Here's Why
The Beginning of Intuitive Living
There is so much noise out there in the world that our own inner wisdom can get drowned out by it all. Intuitive Living explores how we can move toward listening to and following our own wisdom.
The idea for this project was officially born during a holiday mountain trip with my family. Unofficially, I’ve been thinking about writing as a means to help heal others and myself from what I see as a great ailment of our modern life: overexposure. What do I mean by overexposure? I mean the way the world is now always right there at our fingertips. I mean the way we can see how many kids our childhood friend from elementary school has. I mean the way a toddler can be just as exposed (if not more exposed) as a movie star was in the 1950s.
I don’t know about you, but I have really struggled with all this overexposure. As I gear up to become a mental health professional (I will graduate in May with my Master of Social Work), I hope this blog will be helpful for me and my future clients. I hope, reader, that it can offer you some relief from consistent competition mode, people pleasing and social climbing.